Sold Out "Return to Earth" Raises $475 for TORC


This past week we co-hosted Anthill Film’s newest mountain bike film “Return to Earth” at The Varsity Theatre in Chapel Hill, NC. After covering costs for theater rental and our Dale’s Pale Ale fix (kidding), we donated $475 to Triangle Off-Road Cyclists (TORC), our fellow co-hosts. A “thank you” to TORC President Sarwat Khattak for being onsite as well.

And thanks to generous donations from our other co-hosts and sponsors, we were able to give away over $1,000 in swag to attendees.

Townsend Bertram & Company gave away a $210 weekend camping rental package plus two SWEET Cotopaxi Luzon 18 backapackas.

DryGuy gave away FOUR of badass boot, shoe, and glove dryers. I've got one of these myself and not sure how I lived without it before.

Back Alley Bikes gave out numerous t-shirts and hoodies along with a $125 full-suspension service. Be honest, you have no idea how to service shocks.

Great Outdoor Provision Co. donated TEN $25 gift certificates, TEN smart wool socks, and 25 Hydrapak water bottles. Everyone's a winner!

Thanks for coming out, and if you missed the movie, just wait nine months and it will be on Red Bull TV.

Matthew Davis