The Misfit Mountainerds
This elite group are working schmucks like you. They will probably never get paid to ride bikes. But they do get free gear for being Mountainerds, and a pat on the back for being so handsome. Extra points for the #stankface.
Extremely fast. Can't stop, won't st...wait...I need a break. Loves local races and chasing the kid on the trails. @shreddie_jones
Once again our most distinguished Mountainerd, cuz she's a "Fox Factory Grassroots Racer". She will also DeFeet you. @connieferrellmtb
Rides both leg and gas powered two-wheeled bikes. Known to break things on purpose, but mostly by accident. @trippingreen
Superbadass air force vet and. Goes full gnar on the bike and marathons (wayyy too far to run, IMO) @caitlinmpain
So hawt, has to cool down those guns in a kiddie pool. OG BMXer, with a shot of mountain-infused adrenaline. @thesublimeshredder
Winner "Best Resumé". US Marine Corps Rescue Swimmer 1992-98, ECU Pirate, and The Dirt Therapy Project Ambassador. Hell yes. @sardawgmtb
Enjoys hardtails, tubed tires, & Belgian-style beer. Fighting off adulthood with above average MTB skills. @rrm_mtb
OG rep for the Oregon Nation. Tradesman and shredder, whose both riding and dancing styles are “wrecking ball”. @medged
Dirty, mean, and mighty unclean. Says he’s gonna send 25 foot gaps now that he’s got a Misfit Mountain jersey. Do it!
Despite not riding much, overly obsessed with MTB. At least self-aware enough to know to that none of us look as good on camera riding as we think we do. @frankie_machoman_ravage
AKA Green Bike Mike. Appears spontaneously in Pisgah without warning, and goes wicked fast downhill. @green_bike_mike_
Taunted by children, who call him "Boomer". Likes bikes, with and without motors. @wheel_addicted
Winner of inaugural Dad Bod Invitational, Strava fiend, and rarely seen due to his speedy rate of travel. @jonmoist
Loves horses, bikes, and downhill. Always has excellent taste in MTB apparel. @fancynancy3790
Frequently seen in back alleys, with bikes. Also a podium finisher in the inaugural Dad Bod Invitational. @robnoti
Richard is legit. Former fire fighter, which comes in handy when you live California. @perryrides
Retired AF (that's Air Force, not AF). Builds things while hunting for the perfect taco. Family guy, gets weird about Mel Brooks, and lived all over the world. @dirtsurfer_mtb
Looks surprisingly like the guy on The Chainring MTB Tech shirt while still shredding South Texas. Loves family, friends, and tacos. Amen. @bigruscle
Plans to open a chain of Blockbuster Videos. Currently seeking investment for this exciting opportunity. Plays with REALLY BIG toys. @sprockets_and_tires
Who has two thumbs and likes mountain biking? This guy. Enjoys the climbs as much the downhills. A big dude strapped to a long-travel Pisgah bike is a guaranteed good time. @jtreadway4x4
She conquers all trails, whether in the woods or paved, whether on foot, bike, or with dawg. Flawless technique (see pic above). @trailrunner07
Homebuilder, family man, outdoor enthusiast. Visits handmade jewelry markets, builds sketchy ramps, and proud supporter of #noshametinyjumps @beesonthebeast
Forced to work. Born to ride. Makes frequent mistakes on both the keyboard and the bike. Don't we all, Stankus. @tjstankus
Yep, that's me. Maybe someday soon I'll get paid to do this. Probably not. But that's a pretty good stank face..
Worked for a big bike company, drinks in Wales whenever he can, and will still smoke you, no matter how good of shape you think you're in.
That one time your kids here him say dirty words, and you’re forever known as Dirty John. Did you see his backflip at the Couch Potato finish line?
Once got lost in the woods while building new trail. Thus, “Silver Alert” was born, and Pop Pop’s place in local bike lore firmly cemented.
Biker, kayaker, adventurer seeker, and never afraid to bring the kids along. Because if you can get your kids into things you like, you get to do more of the things you like.
Trained engineer by day, shredder by day, but only once or twice a year when he can get the time off of work. Known to rebuild everything.
You gotta love it when pops, road cyclist for over 30 years, embraces "the dark side" by strutting Misfit Mountain while cruising the Panama Canal.
Don't let those good looks fool you. Tom Dub is one of the most fun Mountainerds you'll encounter. Also known around town as ROTY. You'll have to ask.
DTS mysteriously appears on your local trails when you least expect it. That's his smile in the pic above. You don't want to see his real #stankface.
Straight outta the mountains, Erin will pass you, and then make a face known as "gleevil", a look of glee and evil. You got served.
How rad is it when a roadie ain't afraid to wear trail gear, and then sports it in Argentina? Let's agree it's pretty effing rad.
We've been pushing on James to become more badass, but then we realized he was already too badass for his own good. We were not ready, for that jelly.
This power couple keeps it pretty chill, like being one of the few that have ever swum the English Channel. Not joking about that...Tommy done did that.
Usually only seen on Strava at 5am in the morning doing trail runs in the dark. We thought he was a vampire until he sent in this pic sporting his MM Super Soft Trucker Hat on top of a mountain, in the daylight.
Friend of MM for decades, avid runner, and knows more about music than you and your three best friends combined. Nice thighs, too.
This flightless bird has been known to run long distances instead of taking to the skies. Shown here reppin' MM at the USNWC. Strong.